I hit you back with your answers!
by Jonathan on Oct.13, 2010, under Life
1: Hey Jonathan. I want that you tell me:
One movie.
One music.
One book.
Can’t wait to see you again!
Big kiss,
Hey Carlos
Lately I’ve started to read Bill Clinton’s. book… kind of interest me. Movies: I barely watch but I love the Angelina Jolie movie with the missing child… (I forgot the name) but I loved it! Music: I will always prefer house music to make my mode better ☺
2: Hi, do you have any hobby?
Hey again Carlos ☺
Lately my hobby is facebook, but it used to be beach, swimming and just enjoying summer… (that’s a hubby for all I know) Oh and I love sex!!
3: It’s me again, Carlos. I think very sweet from you build a larger connection with your fans. We talk to you and it’s amazing. ASK ME MONDAY is your idea? What do you think about your fans?
ASK ME Monday was Lucas Entertainment’s publicity director’s idea… and I love him for that even though Im loosing sleep hours over that lol (it’s very late here in Berlin right now)… but it’s worth it ☺
4: How many tattoos do you have? What are they? Why did you decide to get them? Do you plan on getting any more?
Hey Steven!
I love tattoos!!! Most of my tattoos have no meaning unfortunately but my mom and me did a heart tattoo and I love it!!! My Chinese tattoo is not finished yet but I totally planed it for a long time! So it has a big meaning to me as well… but the rest were just a 15-19 year-old child’s mistake lol
5: Hi Jonathan, my question:
how many times you normally fuck (not in a sex movie) during a week?
Kiss sexy.
Hey Taxand.
Well it might be a shock but lately I hardly have sex☹ I’m too busy and I can’t find time to enjoy sex, BUT! If it were up to me? Every day 2-3 times a day would be great!! Really! The issue is to find the right partner… but… I’m sure I’ll manage if I have the time ☺
Thanks hot sexy fuckers ☺
I promise that soon I’ll get some free time to answer ALL of you ☺
October 18th, 2010 on 11:27 am
Hey jonathan!
I’d like to ask you something (it must asken a thousand time) but i’d like to know, when you first start making porn how did your family feel with it ?
I really like to know, i really want to start a career, but scared of my parents reactions.
take care
October 18th, 2010 on 9:06 pm
Hi gorgeous, I’m getting to the terminus, cause I know you’re very busy! Undoubtedly, your fleshy parts of the the thigh are fantastic but smooth. Do you think all hairy hunkers go up the stimulation of partners or it’s better to have them depilated?
I know you have a great family, have you ever thought to make a family of your own in the distant future?
Although I have consciousness of your time need, the last, about when you’ll visit Athens again cause we’re missing you. I think next February there’s something in programme……
I give you my endless love! Vassos.
PS: next time I’ll ask for Michael…..
October 19th, 2010 on 1:57 am
Hey Jonathan, Do you have anything that you haven’t done on film with Lucas, that you would like to do?
October 21st, 2010 on 12:50 am
Hi Jonathan!
I admire that you value safe sex and think you are a very attractive and sexy guy. I am going to give you a link on my blog. Let me know if you ever get to NYC and I will travel there to meet you. Until then, take care.
Big hug,
October 26th, 2010 on 4:23 am
But i have a friend who writes for Inked and so I’m always browsing that one, but he complains to me a lot about how he feels that Inked has a cheesy and mainstream feel to it.