Jonathan Agassi's Official Blog

I take a stand for my country!

by on Jun.25, 2010, under Life, Movies

hallo hallo
It’s Jonathan Agassi and first and most importantly I have to say! A few weeks ago I posted on my blog that I would be performing at Madrid Pride at the SuperMartxe party…well that’s NOT going to happen!

The Madrid Pride organizers decided to take a stand and discriminate Israel over the flotilla incident! They have banned Israel from attending the parade. Well guess what?!?


So for all of you that have seen my name on the party invitation, take notice that I’m not going to a place where MY nation is not welcome!
I stand behind my country even if I’m not in Israel right now. I am proud of my country so, as I said, I wont be performing!

So where were we?? OH YEAH!!
Berlin Pride!

I hate weathermen!! Why did you say it was going to be raining????? Why??? I didn’t go to the parade just because of that and then I saw the sun was shining!! Later at night though, I went partying at the Berghain club, as you know me I had to dress up, because if I didn’t show my ass at the parade I WILL SURELY SHOW IT WITH EVERY OTHER CHANGE I GOT ☺

That was great!!
p.s. Do you think I’m a sexy captain? My first time sailing a boat… FUN!

Oh oh oh… did u see my scene with Rafael Carreras in Men in Stockings?????? wooooof!!!! I WANT MORE!! That man is just perfect! HUGE cock! The BEST ass EVER!! And he looks like the perfect man even wearing stockings!!! Thank GOD for porn ☺

Buy Men in Stockings Now    Watch Men in Stockings Now

grrrrrrr ((;
have a great weekend guys
love love love!

:, , , , ,

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